Medawar 479, known as “The Blue House”, is a heritage building located between Pasteur Street, and Charles Helou Avenue. Due to its utmost proximity to the port, the explosion inflicted eminent damages upon its structure.
Prior to the construction of the Charles Helou Avenue and the port’s expansion, the building sat on the cliffs of the Medawar shoreline overlooking the sea. Its construction was phased by two stages, whereby the first two floors were constructed in the early 1900’s, and the third around the 1920’s.
A generous grant allocated to BHI from the Honor Frost Foundation enabled its full restoration. The scope of restoration works included structural consolidation, reconstruction of the pitched roof and the North facade, interior renovations, and MEP works.
The restoration works followed the guidelines of a thorough study conducted by Architect/Restorer Joe Kallas based on a request from the DGA. The works were launched in November 2021, and concluded in August 2022.
Check out the report